Introducing RealityServer

The Server APIs

You use the server APIs to develop server-side application logic.

neuray Services API

Use the neuray Services API to develop your application code. This API includes:

  • Commands that you use to write your application logic
  • Types that may be used as arguments to commands and returned from commands
  • Factory class that you can use to create instances of any neuray Services class
  • Event classes for facilitating the creation and sending of events, the event context, an event handler, and event handler context
  • Classes for neuray Services abstractions
  • Built-in tonemapping
  • A standard set of error codes returned by the API

For a detailed description of the commands, select the Command Descriptions in the Server APIs menu.

Web Services API

Use the Web Services API to extend the core functionality of RealityServer:

  • Custom user commands. You can write commands in C++ or use the server-side JavaScript plugin to write commands in JavaScript. For more information, select Server-Side JavaScript in the Server APIs menu.
  • Custom user data types.
  • Events.
  • HTTP authorization.
  • State setup.
  • Web services protocols.

You implement extensions to the core functionality as plugins, which are loaded at runtime.

neuray API

The neuray library is called by neuray Services commands to import, load, and manipulate and render scenes, and manage transactions and scoping. The neuray API includes also the math API and the base API. The math API provides vector, matrix, bbox, and color classes and math functions. The base API provides basic types, functions based on them, assertions, and configurations.