neuray Services API Programmer's Manual

User Types



The neuray Services API allows the user to register custom data types which can be used as arguments and results in service commands. mi::nservices::IUser_type provides the core for this functionality and it simply extends mi::IStructure. As it is derived from mi::IStructure it's elements are fixed and strictly typed. neuray Services extends on the data types supported by structures by adding the following additional types:

  • "Data" represents any data type

  • "Array" an mi::IDynamic_array containing any data type

  • "Map" an mi::IMap containing any data type

Defining user types

User types are defined with mi::nservices::IUser_type_definition which can be created off the factory: mi::nservices::IFactory::create("User_type_definition"). The name of the user type is set with IUser_type_definition::set_name( const char *name) and IUser_type_definition::add_element( const char *name, const char *type_name) is then called repeatedly to specify the elements of the user type. EG:

‎IFactory *factory = ...;
IUser_type_definition *def = factory->create("User_type_definition");
if (def) {

Using user types

Once registered, user types can be specified as command arguments or results simply by using it's name in the command implementation. EG:

‎class Example_command : public IService_command {
    virtual bool get_argument_description(
                IFactory *factory,
                const char *argument_name,
                IArgument_description *argument) const {
            if (strcmp(argument_name,"value") == 0) {
                return true;
            return false;
    virtual const char *get_return_type_name() const { return "Matrix22"; };
And they can be created from mi::nservices::IFactory in the same manner as any other type. EG:
‎IFactory *factory;
IUser_type *mat22 = factory->create<IUser_type>("Matrix22");
if (mat22) {
    mi::IFloat32 *xx = mat22->get_value<mi::IFloat32>("xx");
    if (xx) {


This interface represents user defined objects. More...
A definition of a user type. More...