RealityServer Configuration

HTTP Configuration Directives

The following directive configures the RealityServer HTTP server.


Description Http address to listen on
Syntax http_address [address:]port
Context global

The address and port number, separated by a colon, or only the port number, where RealityServer accepts client requests. The address means "any interface"; other addresses identify a network interface, which is useful if the host has more than one network card. Port numbers are normally in the range 1024..65535; lower numbers are privileged.

Under linux the special port number "0" may be specified and RealityServer will pick a random, available port number to use.

IPv6 addresses need to be surrounded by brackets. The address [::] means "any IPv6 interface".


Description HTTP server identification string
Syntax http_identification [string]
Context global
Default RealityServer(R) Web Services

Sets the identification string used as the 'Server' header in HTTP responses. You can disable sending of a Server header entirely by specifying the http_identification directive on its own with no value.


Description Size of HTPP server send buffer
Syntax http_send_buffer_size size
Context global
Default 0 (OS default)

The HTTP server socket's send buffer size. This can be set to another value than the default operating system send buffer size if the default is not enough which can be the case with high latency connections. Setting it to 0 means falling back to use the OS defaults.


Description HTTP server keep alive timeout
Syntax http_keep_alive_timeout timeout
Context global
Default 0

Set the idle timeout for keep-alive connections in seconds. The default is not to timeout.


Description Maximum size of a post requests body
Syntax http_post_body_limit bytes
Context global
Default 262144

The maximum number of bytes that a non-MIME HTTP POST request can upload to RealityServer.