JavaScript Client API

ImageRenderTarget.js File Reference


This file contains the class.

Code Example


* Copyright 1986, 2011 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.

 * @file ImageRenderTarget.js
 * This file contains the class.
 * @class ImageRenderTarget
 * The target for images returned by the render command.
 * There are two modes with which an ImageRenderTarget
 * can be used:
 * <p>1. If an image is provided in the constructor, then the 
 * ImageRenderTarget will take ownership of the onload, onabort, and 
 * onerror events of the provided image. These events will be used 
 * by the service to load render URLs automatically and must not be 
 * set by the application as long as the ImageRenderTarget instance is 
 * is in use. Note that the event will
 * not be dispatched in this mode. The type of the image is browser 
 * dependent but an image created as an HTML img tag will work in all
 * supported browsers.</p>
 * <p>2. If no image is provided then the ImageRenderTarget will dispatch 
 * a when a render URL needs to be 
 * loaded. The application is responsible for loading this URL exactly 
 * once and call one of the methods renderURLLoadError, renderURLLoadAborted,
 * or renderURLLoadComplete when the URL has finished loading. The service 
 * will halt any further command processing until one of these functions 
 * are called.</p>
 * <p>This class is an event dispatcher. This means it implements the 
 * functions addEventListener and removeEventListener functions as 
 * documented in the class com.mi.util.EventDispatcher. The following
 * events can be dispatched by this class:</p>
 * <p><code></code><br>
 * <code></code><br>
 * <code></code><br>
 * <code></code><br></p>
 * @ctor
 * Creates an ImageRenderTarget object that can act as a target for 
 * render commands. 
 * @param image Image Optional image object that will display the rendered 
 * image. The exact type of this object will vary between browsers, but the 
 * object created by adding an &lt;img&gt; tag will work in all supported 
 * browsers.  
 */ = function(image, useHiddenBuffer)
//    alert("ImageRenderTarget called. " +

    // Creste the event dispatcher
    this.eventDispatcher = new com.mi.util.EventDispatcher();
	if (useHiddenBuffer !== true)
		useHiddenBuffer = false;
	this.useHiddenBuffer = useHiddenBuffer;

    // The service that requested loading of the render URL. This is set to
    // null when no request is ongoing.
    this.service = null;
    if(image != null)
        // An image has been passed, taking ownership. This image will be
        // used for automatic render url loading. The image should no 
        // longer be accessed directly.
        this.image = image;
		this.imageTag = image;
		if (useHiddenBuffer)
			this.image = document.createElement("img"); = "none";
        // FIXME: Check that image is of correct type by checking its 
        // interface (the type varies from browser to browser and IE7 
        // has a bug related the instanceof operator generating an error 
        // when trying to check the type)
        var thisProxy = this;
        var img = this.image;
        img.onload = function() {thisProxy.renderURLLoadComplete()};
        img.onabort = function() {thisProxy.renderURLLoadAborted()};
        img.onerror = function() {thisProxy.renderURLLoadError()};        
        if(img == null)
            renderCommand.do_client_error_callback("Failed to send render command. Failed to acquire the target Image object.");
            this.m_is_busy = false;
        this.image = null;    
//    alert("created: " + this);

/** @public Image 
 * The image instance that will display the rendered image, 
 * or null if external render URL loading is used. */;

 * Returns a string describing this Object.
 * @return String A String describing this Object.
 */ = function()
    return "[Object ImageRenderTarget(" + (this.image != null ? : "external URL loading") + ")]";

/** @private com.mi.util.EventDispatcher The event dispatcher used to 
 * back up the event dispatcher functionality. */;

 * Adds a listener for the given event type.
 * If the listener is already registered to listen to %event 
 * <code>type</code>, it is not registered again.
 * The callback function will need to have the following signiature:
 * function callback(event, context).
 * @param type String The name of the %event to listen to.
 * @param listener Function The reference to the listener function.
 * @param context Object The optional user-supplied context object. Useful 
 * for instance to hold a reference to the object that registered the 
 * callback.
 */ = function(type, listener, context)
    this.eventDispatcher.addEventListener(type, listener, context);

 * Removes the provided event listener. 
 * @param type String The type of the %event to stop listening for.
 * @param listener Function The listener function to remove.
 */ = function(type, listener)
    this.eventDispatcher.removeEventListener(type, listener);

/** @private com.mi.util.ServiceHTTP 
 * The service that requested loading of a render URL. This is null if no 
 * load request is ongoing. Only one request to load render URLs can be 
 * active at a given time. */;

 * @private 
 * Called by the service core when a render URL needs to be loaded. 
 * @param url String The render URL to load.
 * @param service ServiceHTTP The service that is issuing the load request.
 */ = function(url, service)
    if(this.service != null)
        alert("ImageRenderTarget: Failed to load render URL. URL loading already in progress.");
    this.service = service;
    // Load URL, either internally if this.image is set, or externally 
    // by dispatching a RenderURLEvent.
    if(this.image == null)
        this.eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new, this, url));
        this.image.src = url;

 * @public 
 * Must be called when an external render URL has loaded successfully. 
 * Event processing is halted until one of the methods renderURLLoadError, 
 * renderURLLoadAborted, or renderURLLoadComplete methods have been called. 
 */ = function()
    if(this.service == null)
        throw new String("ImageRenderTarget.onImageLoaded called but no service is set.");

    var service = this.service;
    this.service = null;
	if (this.useHiddenBuffer)
		this.imageTag.src = this.image.src;
    this.eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new, this));

 * @public 
 * Must be called when an external render URL has been aborted. 
 * Event processing is halted until one of the methods renderURLLoadError, 
 * renderURLLoadAborted, or renderURLLoadComplete methods have been called. 
 */ = function()
    if(this.service == null)
        throw new String("ImageRenderTarget.onImageAborted called but no service is set.");
    var service = this.service;
    this.service = null;
    this.eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new, this));

 * @public 
 * Must be called when an external render URL has experienced an error. 
 * Event processing is halted until one of the methods renderURLLoadError, 
 * renderURLLoadAborted, or renderURLLoadComplete methods have been called. 
 */ = function()
    if(this.service == null)
        throw new String("ImageRenderTarget.onImageError called but no service is set.");

    var service = this.service;
    this.service = null;
    this.eventDispatcher.dispatchEvent(new, this));


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