Iray Programmer's Manual

Client configuration

An application embedding Iray that wishes to use the resources of a remote cluster needs to do the following:

  1. In addition to the plugins required for the Iray render modes (see Render mode selection) and normal Iray operation, the following plugins should be loaded:

    • cloud_render.dll/so: This plugin adds the cloud render modes to Iray, which allows a remote cluster to be used for rendering.

    • nvcuvid_video_decoder.dll/so: This plugin enables hardware-accelerated H.264 decoding. Requires an NVIDIA GPU that supports H.264 hardware decoding. Currently, there is no software decoder fallback.

  2. Configure the client. Apart from normal Iray configuration, look up the API component mi::neuraylib::IRemote_configuration and set the following configuration options:

    • Iray Bridge Server address: Call set_remote_address() to specify the remote server to connect to. The format is host:port, for example "", or "". Always use the IP address for local host instead of "localhost" since the latter may induce performance problems in some cases.

      The client is now ready for use.

    • Look up the API component mi::neuraylib::IRemote_client and call any of its methods. Alternatively, use one of the cloud renderers; the client will automatically connect to the configured server.

      Rendering, or use of the IRemote_client API, will fail if the configured server is not available. The server address can be changed at any time, which will cause Iray Bridge to automatically disconnect from the old server and connect to the new one.

Note: A special license is required to set the remote server address to anything else but local host (