Iray Programmer's Manual

Global performance settings

The following parameters are shared by all render contexts which use Iray Interactive and are set with the mi::neuraylib::IRendering_configuration::set_renderer_option() method.

irt_accel_type = "0"

This setting selects the type of acceleration structure which is used to accelerate ray tracing in Iray Interactive.

  • "0": Highest rendering performance, but also largest preprocessing time. This type of acceleration is particularly effective in scenes with a highly irregular distribution of polygons, especially polygons of strongly varying size.
  • "1": Compromise between rendering rendering performance and preprocessing. The difference in performance compared to the first depends highly on the scene, but can be quite significant. However, the preprocessing time is several times lower than with the first mode.

    This mode was the default in Iray 2013.

  • "2": High rendering performance and very fast GPU-accelerated preprocessing to the expense of higher memory usage. If the preprocessing runs out of device memory, Iray Interactive will automatically fall back to the first variant.

    Note, that this technique is currently considered as highly experimental and only supported on devices of compute capability 3.5 or higher.